At the still point of the turning world


  • Ben Pease
Sept 12th, 19th, 26th & Oct 3rd from 6-8:30pm ET

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At the still point of the turning world

Reading T. S. Eliot’s Four Quartets

For most of us, there is only the unattended

Moment, the moment in and out of time,

The distraction fit, lost in a shaft of sunlight,

The wild thyme unseen, or the winter lightning

Or the waterfall, or music heard so deeply

That it is not heard at all, but you are the music

While the music lasts.

T. S. Eliot, from “The Dry Salvages”



[Four Quartets] is in a double sense a ‘harmony of opposites’. Not merely are oppositions in the world of flux and time reconciled, but the cosmic cycles of change and succession are harmonized with the permanence of eternity, repetitions within the world process with the forward movement and ultimate consummation of history.

—E. J. Storman, “Time and Mr Eliot,” 1944


Come read and discuss one of the most ambitious, lyrically stunning, and finely wrought meditations on time, memory, and the divine! Instructor Ben Pease has been obsessed with the Four Quartets since his graduate school days when he memorized and recited the whole poem alongside Alexandra Zelman-Doring. We will cover one quartet per week, accompanied by a handful of critical texts that shed light on the musical, religious, and philosophical underpinnings of the work. Each week, students will also have the opportunity to select their favorite passages and lead a discussion on it!


Secondary Sources to be read and discussed during class:


Purasu Balakrishnan, “An Indian View of T. S. Eliot’s Four Quartets.” The American Scholar, 1991


Kevin Hart, “Eliot’s rose garden: Some phenomenology and theology in ‘Burnt Norton.’” Christianity and Literature, 2015.


Beryl Rosay McLeod, “Buddhism, T.S. Eliot and the Four Quartets.” Journal for the Study of Religion, 1992.


Thomas R. Rees, “The Orchestration of Meaning in T. S. Eliot’s Four Quartets.” The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 1969.


David Soud, “‘The Greedy Dialectic of Time and Eternity’: Karl Barth, T. S. Eliot, and Four Quartets.” ELH, 2014

Ben Pease

Ben Pease

Ben Pease is an epic poem enthusiast and has previously read the Robert Fitzgerald translations of the IliadOdyssey, and the Aeneid. On receiving Emily Wilson’s translations for a Christmas present, he thought it would be a worthwhile venture to start a class about the new version. Much of his work is heavily inspired by the epic form, including Chateau Wichman (Big Lucks, 2017), a book-length narrative poem with a cast of fallible gods and humans, and Furniture in Space (factory hollow press), selections from an epic poem inspired by Pease’s hometown friends making movies, and a psychic who gets involved with them in order to have his ultimate vision. Pease is also interested in the art of translation and is curious to see how the new translation compares to others!

About Virtual Classes

Virtual classes are usually based on video conferencing. At the moment we use Zoom. Instructors may utilize email as well as the specific ‘class page’ to share materials.

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At the still point of the turning world

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